Employers: Introduction to Handshake

Indiana State University is one of over 1,400 colleges and universities across the United States that uses Handshake as their talent and recruitment management system.

Handshake is a user-friendly system that neatly organizes information on employers, students, jobs, and recruiting events, with search and reporting features that can streamline the work you do to find top candidates.  All Sycamores receive a Handshake account and have access through their alumni status.   

Handshake for Students:

Handshake is the Career Center's career management software connecting students, alumni, and employers to employment events and job postings. This online service provides access to:

  • Schedule virtual and in-person career coaching appointments
  • Review thousands of job postings
  • View on-campus employer interviews
  • Register for career fairs

**New Indiana State University students** will automatically gain access to Handshake once the semester officially starts. Any requests for early access will not be permitted.

Handshake for Employers:

There are several benefits for companies to join Handshake. These benefits include:

  • Free basic employer account provides access to university recruiting services such as Career Fair communication and registration, interview scheduling, and direct messaging to students
  • Connect with multiple Handshake schools across the country in one location with a few clicks
  • Post open internships and jobs once and share them with multiple schools
  • Proactively search for the ideal candidate for your open positions based on student demographic data in the platform
  • Maximize your recruiting budget by streamlining your university outreach

Follow this link to sign up for Handshake: http://indstate.joinhandshake.com/register and start finding great Sycamore candidates today!

Step-by-step instructions for how to create a Handshake account can be found here:

How to Create an Employer User Account, Join a Company, and Connect with Schools

You will use your company-issued email address to register. Handshake uses email domains to search for similar companies with the same email domain. If there is a match, you will be given the option to join the company that is already in Handshake or, if that isn’t your company, create a new account.

Once your account has been verified by the account owner, you will be able to post your jobs. This is usually within a matter of minutes.

If you have questions about creating your employer account in Handshake, you can contact either Handshake Support at http://support.joinhandshake.com/hc/en-us or Teresa Dwyer in the Indiana State University Career Center at Teresa.Dwyer@tiemles.com.

*PLEASE NOTE: Resumes and cover letters uploaded to Handshake will not be critiqued by Career Center staff. Distance/online students and alumni can make phone and online appointments. Please email resumes and job descriptions ahead of your appointment directly to the staff member you will be meeting with. If you have a phone appointment, please call (812) 237-5000 at the time of your appointment. 

Additional Handshake Resources for Employers

Remote video URL

Remote video URL

Remote video URL